Pain? How To Heal It Without Physical Therapy

Do you have pain and aren’t sure where it’s stemming from or how to rehab it properly?

Have you gone to physical therapy and still have pain?

On a regular basis, I see clients who:
- come in with unexplainable pain
- have gone to physical therapy and still experience pain at their site of injury
- don’t know how to continue to rehab their weakened muscles post-physical therapy
- feel pain when exercising or only on occasion

Does your pain interfere with your daily life or ability to progress your workouts?

I use ARPneuro therapy to identify exactly where your pain is stemming from. No guessing, just testing.

Let me simplify it for you:

Your brain signals to your muscles for contraction. However, pain can sometimes stem from over activation or under activation of the neurological signals.

Pain will only dissipate once you properly restore the neurological feedback to your muscles.

This explains why sometimes pain subsides and sometimes, why it doesn’t.

I don’t take chances on hoping your pain goes away. I ensure through proper testing and rehab exercises that we resolve your issues from a neurological and muscular standpoint.

If you have any pain or discomfort in your body from acute or chronic issues, booking a Rehab & ARPneuro session is the move!

Our Service page for Rehab & ARPneuro therapy explains it all— book now