rehab & arpneuro therapy in San Diego


Improve how your body moves, everyday, without pain. 

We offer a drug-free pain relief solution to your back pain, joint pain, chronic pain issues, and acute injuries.

Our holistic approach and therapy helps to:

  • prevent the need for surgery

  • prevent pain relief injections

  • recover post-surgery

  • ease you off of the need for pain medications

  • helps you bridge the gap between physical therapy and personal training

Neely uses ARPneuro technology (Accelerated Recovery Performance), a non-invasive technique. It gets your body to move at its best by increasing your mobility, resetting muscle engagement, building strength in your body, and dissipating any pain that you are experiencing to vastly improve your quality of life.

You may feel pain, muscle weakness, and create compensation patterns throughout your body when it is not working at its full potential.

ARPneuro reeducates the “mind to muscle” connection in your body, so that it can work at 100% of its capability.   


Unlike other physical therapy treatments, ARPneuro therapy works on improving all 3 major systems of the body: 

1. your neurological system (brain)
2. your nervous system (how and why pain gets sent through the body)
3. your muscular system (where you feel pain).

This comprehensive approach works to eliminate your pain and accelerate your rehabilitation. 

The electrical stimulation of the APRneuro device uses a low-level current. This helps to specifically find the injured tissues and damaged nerves that are not communicating properly from your brain to your body. The miscommunication is what expresses itself as pain or discomfort.  The root cause of your pain is determined and then treated properly, rather than taking a band-aid approach to it.      


It is a better choice because it works to:

  • better engage and activate your muscles, which eliminates muscle weakness and prevents muscle loss

  • calm the stress response of the body that causes pain and inflammation, so that your body can focus on healing itself instead of fighting stress and tension

  • stimulate and contract specific muscles to build strength without placing undue stress on the body through tearing of the muscles or weight bearing exercises (known as hypertrophy training)

  • break down scar tissue, prevents new scarring, and improves mobility, that may have kept you limited in your progress

  • relax chronic or acute muscle tension, increases circulation, promotes overall healing throughout the body, and creates a long-lasting impact through proper functionality


ARPneuro can accelerate the strength and performance of anyone who is post-surgery to muscle builders.

When physical therapy stops, or an injury occurs, most people don’t continue to perform exercises to help strengthen the injured muscles. Most live with limited mobility and pain. Neely helps pick up where you left off, and spends the time to ensure that proper muscle activation and strength has developed, so that you can get back to feeling your best.

  • If you cannot learn to adjust your exercise form or find that other muscles compensate when performing exercises

  • If you have chronic pain from injury or bad movement patterns

  • If you are post surgery and/or post physical therapy, and still need to strengthen your injured and surrounding muscles

  • If you want to strengthen your muscles in a faster and easier way, that focuses on proper functionality without a strenuous or weight-bearing workout

  • If you have scar tissue or muscles that are “stuck” and need help to move more freely

  • If you want to lengthen and strengthen your muscles for better activation and engagement when working out

As you progress in your rehabilitation, the shift into personal training is possible.

Note: ARPneuro therapy is not recommended for anyone with an implanted electrical device like a pacemaker, history of blood clots, or currently pregnant. 

The method in which the frequencies and intensity levels are applied is based on what your body personally needs. Everyone has different thresholds, goals, and ranges that they are working within.


First, we test the body to see exactly which muscles aren’t working properly and causing you pain. A lot of the time, the source of where you feel pain is a different area than what is causing the pain.  By testing the body, it takes the guesswork out of it. We are then able to specifically focus on the muscles that need attention for full body rehab and pain relief.

Second, we give you exercises that show you how to properly move. Neely applies her education in rehab and functional training to create a workout that consists of foundational movement patterns.  These correct movement patterns tell the brain to stay active and maintain these connections. This helps to eliminate your overcompensation patterns, pain from injury, muscle weakness, and lack of mobility, without added stress to your joints. 

  • Testing is done in a seated or lying position

  • Exercises are properly taught to show you how to move through a full range of motion

  • Movements are slow in order for the muscles to activate and contract

  • Stretching movements help to relax overactive muscles

  • Strengthening movements help to activate underactive muscles

  • Basic movement patterns are performed that mimic everyday life

  • Stimulation to muscles equals 10x the amount of strength training output for faster strength gains

  • Moves are simple and low intensity

  • Pad application is topical to skin and non-invasive

*Please wear shorts and a loose sleeveless top, or sports bra, during the session.

Reaching a new level of confidence in your body starts with how it moves. You are only as good as your body functions. We go beyond what others have offered you, because we want you to feel the best you can possibly be, without limits.

Please book 48 hours in advance to reserve your preferred day & time. Session availability is based on first come, first serve.




In Studio Only


90 min session


60 min session