The Secrets To Changing Your Life

I’m going to share with you the secrets to changing your life…

Before I do, I want you to ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Who do I want to become?

  2. What am I currently doing on a daily basis to help change my life? Is this taking me a step closer to the person I want to be?

  3. Am I ready to change, even if it may be hard?

Write down your answers to these questions on a piece of paper and stick it somewhere you would look at it often — a mirror in the bathroom, a nightstand by your bed, a refrigerator door.

Keep this piece of paper as a reminder to yourself that you want to grow, you are willing to commit to the process, and that you acknowledge that there will be challenges along the way, but it will all be worth it!


Every time you show up to a workout that you promised yourself you would do— you build self respect.

Every time you chose to modify your behavior instead of pushing through it with energy you can’t afford to give— you build self trust.

Every time you prioritize thinking positive thoughts and silence the negative ones— you build self confidence.

These are not hard decisions to make and actions to follow. Work on taking care of yourself rather than fight against yourself. You are not your enemy.

I work with a lot of clients to teach them that the journey to feeling their best may actually be in slowing down and easing the pressure that they are putting on themselves.

Every workout does not have to be a high intensity workout. Any level of movement is beneficial for your health.

Every day does not have stretch you to your emotional limits. Conserve your energy.

Every day does not have to flow perfectly. IT will have ups and downs.


Book your personal training and nutrition sessions through our website to help heal yourself starting today! 🫶🏻

Did you already lose your New Years motivation?

You’re a few weeks into the new year— did you already lose your motivation?

One thing that I can tell you for a fact, is that ALL of my NEW CLIENTS and LONG TIME CLIENTS haven’t lost their motivation one bit!

How is that possible?

Because I don’t let them. I remind them of their WHY and help them to understand their reasons.

-You can’t want it just because I want it for you. You have to want it for yourself. I’ll help you get there.

Because they have learned to have a positive association with exercise and look forward to coming to workout with me.

-We have a great time. We focus on YOU. This is time for yourself to work on your character, to build your inner and outer strength. I build you up and never put you down. EVERYONE NEEDS POSITIVE SUPPORT.

Because we make their workout routine based on what they need the most.

-Each session is personalized and IT IS NEVER ONE SIZE FITS ALL. We program for goals, but know how to adjust based on your energy, mobility, or injuries.

Having a personal trainer doesn’t mean someone will do the work for you. It means the right person is there to support you in doing the work you WANT to do that will make you the person you truly can become!

BOOK YOURSELF A PERSON TRAINING SESSION NOW! Just start and see what happens! 💪🏻

How To Strengthen Your Core

Your Core Is Not Your 8-Pack

Having a strong core is the foundation for good overall strength and balance in the body. Your core is not just the 8 pack of abs that everyone strives for. Your core is made of multiple surrounding muscles in the midsection of your body.

The best way to find out how strong your core is, is by holding a plank, on your forearms and the balls of your feet, for 60 seconds. Adjust your form so that your abs are slightly tucked under to be engaged, your hips are in line with your back, and your shoulder blades are engaged.

Once you can hold a proper plank, progress to lifting one arm out straight, for 15 seconds without shifting your weight too much or losing proper form. Then, switch arms and hold for another 15 seconds.

The next progressions is to elevate one leg at a time with both forearms on the mat. Start back in your basic plank position, then lift one leg out, hold for 15 seconds. Then, switch to the other leg, and hold for 15 seconds. This is a 3-legged plank.

The third phase is to start with your basic plank, lift right arm and left leg at the same time, hold for 15 seconds, and then raise left arm and right leg, and hold for 15 seconds.

No matter how long it takes you to accomplish this, with consistency and progression within each step, your core will become much stronger.

Want to Strengthen Your Core?

If you need help getting started with your workouts, have someone to keep you accountable, help you to create a positive attitude toward exercise, I am here for you. Book your first personal training session to get started!